Animation For Beginners

Introduction to Animation

Animation is a technique that involves creating and manipulating images to produce the illusion of motion when displayed in rapid succession. It has been used for centuries to tell stories, entertain audiences, and educate people. Nowadays, animation is widely used in various industries such as film, television, gaming, advertising, education, and more. In this article, we will explore the history, types, and uses of animation.

History of Animation

Animation has a long and fascinating history that dates back to prehistoric times. The earliest forms of animation can be traced back to cave paintings, which depict animals with multiple legs in different positions, giving the illusion of movement when viewed rapidly. Later on, ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Greeks used techniques such as thaumatrope (a disk with two pictures on each side attached to a string) and zoetrope (a cylindrical device with slits where images can be seen in motion) to create simple animations.

However, it was not until the 19th century that animation truly began to evolve.

Evolution of Animation

In the late 1800s, several key inventions and discoveries revolutionized the animation industry. In 1877, Eadweard Muybridge successfully captured a horse’s motion using multiple cameras and created the first-ever motion picture. This paved the way for other inventors such as Thomas Edison and Auguste and Louis Lumière to develop technologies like the Kinetoscope and Cinématographe, which allowed for films to be shown to larger audiences. These innovations laid the foundation for hand-drawn animation techniques such as traditional cel animation, where each frame is drawn by hand on a transparent sheet (cel) and photographed in sequence to create the illusion of movement.

Types of Animation

As technology advanced, new techniques and styles of animation emerged. Some popular forms of animation include:

  • Stop-motion: This technique involves physically manipulating objects or models and photographing them frame by frame to create the illusion of movement. Examples include claymation (using clay figures) and puppetry (using puppets).
  • 2D animation: Also known as traditional or hand-drawn animation, this style involves drawing each frame by hand and then photographing them in rapid succession. There are a few Award-winning 2D animation companies in London. They create eye-catching animated videos to attract, engage and convert your content.
  • 3D animation: This technique uses computer software to create three-dimensional objects and characters, which are then animated using special rigs and techniques. It is widely used in films, video games, and television shows.
  • Motion graphics: This form of animation is used to create visual effects, titles, and other animated elements in films, television shows, and advertisements. It combines graphic design, animation, and special effects to convey a message or tell a story.

Uses of Animation

Animation has a wide range of applications and is used in various industries for different purposes. Some common uses of animation include:

  • Entertainment: Animated films, TV shows, and video games are loved by people of all ages and are a major source of entertainment.
  • Education: Animation is a great tool for explaining complex concepts and engaging students in learning. It can make dull topics more interesting and easier to understand by using visuals and storytelling.
  • Advertising: The use of animation in advertising has been on the rise, with brands using it to create eye-catching and memorable commercials.
  • Medicine: Animation is used in the medical field to create educational videos and simulations that help doctors, students, and patients understand complex medical procedures.
  • Architecture and engineering: 3D animation is widely used in architecture and engineering to create visualizations of buildings, structures, and products before they are built. This allows for better planning and communication among team members and clients.


Animation has come a long way since its early forms, and it continues to evolve with new technologies being developed every day. It has become an integral part of our lives, providing us with entertainment, education, and information. As we look towards the future, it is exciting to see how animation will continue to shape and enhance various industries. So next time you watch your favorite animated movie or play a video game, take a moment to appreciate the artistry and technology behind it.